Crimes Act 1900

In Force


  1. For information on republications before the start of the register see the FAQs page
  2. For infringement notice offences under this Act see Magistrates Court (Crimes Infringement Notices) Regulation 2008

Current version


  1. Uncommenced amendments by Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Act 2023.
  2. Uncommenced amendments by Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2024.
  3. Uncommenced expiry of provisions.
  4. Proposed amendments by Crimes (Anti-Consorting) Amendment Bill 2024.
Effective Files/Formats Version Published Notes
19 September 2024 HTMLPDFWord R148 19 September 2024

Republication for amendments by A2024-40

Administering Minister and Directorate

  • Attorney-General - Justice and Community Safety Directorate