Plant Diseases Act 2002
- Number
- A2002-42
- Status
- In Force
- For infringement notice offences under this Act see Magistrates Court (Plant Diseases Infringement Notices) Regulation 2005
- Current law
- Regulations & instruments
- Point-in-time versions
- Law history
Current version
- Uncommenced repeal by Biosecurity Act 2023.
Effective | Files/Formats | Version | Published | Notes |
23 June 2021 | HTMLPDFWord | R10 | 23 June 2021 | Republication for amendments by A2021-12 |
Administering Minister and Directorate
- Minister for the Environment, Parks and Land Management - Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
Legislative instruments
Legislative instruments under the Act and its subordinate laws
Name | Status | Classifier | Type | Under | Effective | Year and No |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors - Parks Conservation and Lands) Appointment 2008 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 4 July 2008 - 9 April 2014 | NI2008-260 |
Plant Diseases (Phylloxera) Prohibition 2010 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Disallowable instruments | s 8 | 1 October 2010 - 10 February 2011 | DI2010-265 | |
Plant Diseases (Phylloxera) Prohibition 2011 (No 1) | None | Disallowable instruments | s 8 | 11 February 2011 | DI2011-15 | |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors) Appointment 2014 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 10 April 2014 - 24 October 2017 | NI2014-115 |
Plant Diseases (Importation Restriction Area) Declaration 2017(Repealed) | Repealed | Disallowable instruments | s 12 | 9 June 2017 - 30 September 2017 | DI2017-101 | |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors) Appointment 2017 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 25 October 2017 - 22 February 2018 | NI2017-555 |
Plant Diseases (Importation Restriction Area) Declaration 2017 (No 2)(Repealed) | Repealed | Disallowable instruments | s 12 | 11 November 2017 - 1 November 2022 | DI2017-268 | |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors) Appointment 2018 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 23 February 2018 - 24 May 2019 | NI2018-99 |
Plant Diseases (Importation Restriction Area) Declaration 2018 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Disallowable instruments | s 12 | 9 May 2018 - 23 July 2018 | DI2018-86 | |
Plant Diseases (Importation Restriction Area) Declaration 2018 (No 2)(Repealed) | Repealed | Disallowable instruments | s 12 | 24 July 2018 - 1 May 2021 | DI2018-217 | |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors) Appointment 2019 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 25 May 2019 - 23 October 2020 | NI2019-336 |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors) Appointment 2020 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 24 October 2020 - 10 May 2022 | NI2020-693 |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors) Appointment 2022 (No 1)(Repealed) | Repealed | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 11 May 2022 - 15 September 2023 | NI2022-260 |
Plant Diseases (Inspectors) Appointment 2023 (No 1) | None | Appointment | Notifiable instruments | s 19 | 16 September 2023 | NI2023-596 |
Plant Diseases (Red Imported Fire Ant Importation Restrictions) Declaration 2024 | None | Disallowable instruments | s 7, s 8 and s 12 | 16 February 2024 | DI2024-21 |
Related instruments
Name | Effective | Year and No | Classification | Status |
Public Sector Management (Plant Diseases) Delegation 2008 (No 1) (Repealed) | 22 July 2008 - 5 December 2017 | NI2008-319 | ni | Repealed |
Public Sector Management (Plant Diseases) Delegation 2017 | 6 December 2017 | NI2017-640 | ni | None |
Legislation (Plant Diseases) Delegation 2018 (No 1) | 27 July 2018 | NI2018-395 | ni | None |
Point-in-time versions
Effective | Files/Formats | Version | Published | Notes |
23 June 2021 | HTMLPDFWord | R10 | 23 June 2021 | Republication for amendments by A2021-12 |
23 October 2018 - 22 June 2021 | HTMLPDFWord | R9 | 23 October 2018 | Republication for amendments by A2018-33 |
14 October 2015 - 22 October 2018 | HTMLPDFWord | R8 | 14 October 2015 | Republication for amendments by A2015-33 |
12 December 2011 - 13 October 2015 | HTMLPDFWord | R7 | 12 December 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2011-52 |
1 July 2011 - 11 December 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R6 | 1 July 2011 | Republication for amendments by A2011-22 |
22 September 2009 - 30 June 2011 | HTMLPDFWord | R5 | 22 September 2009 | Republication for amendments by A2009-20 |
29 September 2006 - 21 September 2009 | HTMLPDFWord | R4 | 29 September 2006 | Republication for amendments by A2006-40 |
9 April 2004 - 28 September 2006 | HTMLPDFWord | R3 | 9 April 2004 | Republication for amendments by A2004-15 |
3 October 2003 - 8 April 2004 | HTMLPDFWord | R2 | 3 October 2003 | Republication for amendments by A2003-44 |
2 June 2003 - 2 October 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | R1 | 2 June 2003 | Republication for new Act |
2 June 2003 | HTMLPDFWord | As notified | 2 December 2002 |
Bill and Explanatory statement
The bill and explanatory statement for this Act are accessed from Plant Diseases Bill 2002.
Notification statement
The Plant Diseases Act 2002 has been passed by the Legislative Assembly and is notified under the Legislation Act 2001.
Notified: 2 December 2002 (Parliamentary Counsel)
Act as notified
Date notified | Effective | Files/Formats | Notes |
2 December 2002 | 2 June 2003 | HTMLPDFWord |
Provision | Commencement date | Commencement method |
s 1, s 2 | 2 December 2002 | LA s 75 (1) |
remainder | 2 June 2003 | s 2 and LA s 79 |
Year and number | Repealing law | Repealing provision | Commencement date |
A2023-50 | Biosecurity Act 2023 | s 235 (1) | awaiting commencement |
For section-by-section amendment annotations, see the amendment history in the endnotes in the current version of this law.
Amendment information is being progressively added to the Legislation Register. For a full list of legislation amending this law, see the legislation history in the endnotes in the current version of this law.
Year and number | Amending law | Amending provision | Commencement date |
A2021-12 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2021 | sch 3 pt 3.46 | 23 June 2021 |
A2003-44 | Animal and Plant Diseases Amendment Act 2003 | pt 3 | 3 October 2003 |
A2004-15 | Criminal Code (Theft, Fraud, Bribery and Related Offences) Amendment Act 2004 | sch 2 pt 2.67 | 9 April 2004 |
A2006-40 | Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2006 | sch 2 pt 2.27 | 29 September 2006 |
A2009-20 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2009 | sch 3 pt 3.59 | 22 September 2009 |
A2011-22 | Administrative (One ACT Public Service Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2011 | sch 1 pt 1.122 | 1 July 2011 |
A2011-52 | Statute Law Amendment Act 2011 (No 3) | sch 3 pt 3.43 | 12 December 2011 |
A2015-33 | Red Tape Reduction Legislation Amendment Act 2015 | sch 1 pt 1.52 | 14 October 2015 |
A2018-33 | Red Tape Reduction Legislation Amendment Act 2018 | sch 1 pt 1.29 | 2 October 2018 |